RAPT is a surrealist cyberpunk project that a lot of my art focuses on; it pushes into the centre of my nerves.
Plan to release a book, but you can find visual art and writing I share on my Instagram. Possible website to come (for better accessibility).
Set in the 2090's, the world has shifted into a technologically-obsessed hellhole, the drive for hedonism and the search to memorialise oneself in time at the forefront, the class-divide more intense than it has ever been. Corporate war is the cherry on top.The storyline follows two point-of-view characters - lovers Milan and Toru - as they enact revenge on the corporation Kairos and the entire megacity Lavinia.RAPT takes its name from Milan's punk/post-punk band. He's an artist in every sense; his poetry becomes the lyrics to Rapt's body of work. Lavinia's sheer capitalist character isn't one of forgiveness, though, and he relies on supplementary means to make money. A mercenary for hire, combined with his skills, Milan is one of many individuals made valuable as corporate ranks constantly drop. He's forcibly entered into Kairos' annual recruitment program and is made to operate as a soldier in their covert operations group.Born into a family high up in the rival corporation Darkspace, Toru battles with cognitive dissonance and the dominating obligation to keep his family name clean. That, combined with his role as a software engineer, makes his skill with the 'aether' - the network that links all with cybernetic implants - formidable. He tails Milan due to the whims of a cryptic friend and is caught in the same scheme.Linked by Kairos' promise of death to the other, the pair delve into passion and undermine all external influence. Their goal to strip power from the corporation spins into higher, unquenchable aims. The art of their respective intensity - they do not avert their eyes.
Short introductions to prominent characters in Rapt.
-----------------MAINS-----------------MILANAn artist & poet foremost. Immigrated from Bristol (UK) to Lavinia with his father. Vocalist/guitarist in the punk rock band that is the ouevre's namesake. Mercenary, later forced to work at Kairos in a taskforce part of its private military. Mindwalker* pov, may become abstract and haphazard to match his intense states of mind. Dionysian archetype, art is agonising pleasure to him. Wiry, Cheshire cat grin. Aims to sieze power from Lowell. Toru's lover. Ambition was a friend since youth, he is his art. Not pronounced like the city - "Mill-en" - but has part the ego of it.TORUBorn in Lavinia, Japanese nationality. Software engineer at Darkspace with an expensive indulgence - street/track racing driver until a crash that was almost fatal (his nervous system, including his brain, is much more artificial than most as a result). Grapples with the threshold of what it is to be human. Later forced to work for Kairos with Milan (who was unaware of Toru's influential family).-----------------BAND SCENE-----------------DENVERStarted Rapt with Milan, lead guitarist until he split due to complications with their relationship (& disagreements on the band's future). Shares Milan's anti-corporate sentiments; Denver's mother was exploited by Darkspace's military program until she found a legal loophole to escape. She pursued music, lending much to Denver and Milan's tutoring. Denver later joins an independent organisation against corruption and is tasked to investigate Kairos.MARSHALLRapt's drummer, though contributes to lyrics as well and is the only other member (than Milan) to have sung on official recordings. Studies arts at university, most formally educated of the group. Most willing to confront Milan and Denver's chaotic behaviour, believes in the band's welfare above all.RUTHRapt's bassist. Migrated between bands because she was dissatisfied with how she was treated previously (her ex believed she & Milan were in a relationship, but they were only talking art & drugs). Party-goer, extremely charismatic.CONNIEPatron to the arts. Producer of sorts, enjoys piggybacking off bands, assisting in securing gigs, skilled in navigating the underground scene. Develops a close friendship with Denver, and a simultaneous mutual loathing with Milan (dislikes his poetry/lyrics, deems it 'posh', though this quickly spirals as each fuels the other). Milan cuts them off from many ateliers (blacklists him) with Jaine's help after his art was threatened.JAINEA host (salonniere) to Lavinia's punk scene, raises funds and provides gig spaces. Deeply invested in the arts. Organises ateliers (areas, gatherings etc. to share art in all forms). Milan was enamoured with her, their relationship soured as time passed. Tends to be greedy and dismissive of others. Point of conflict for Denver as he takes note of how she exploits Milan (who remains on friendly terms with Jaine even after he and Denver become exclusive). Assists in cutting Connie off with her influence.-----------------MASKS-----------------AUSTINMercenary alongside Milan - they grew up in Los Corredores together and are close friends. Member of Masks, the biggest gang/faction in the territory. Afro-Latino (his family have lived in Lavinia for decades but have roots in Puerto Rico). Assists Masks in its expansion, most street-smart and dependable. Willing & able to build/maintain mechanics from the ground up.HERMESHigh ranking member of Masks, assists others in finding work. Austin and Milan owe a lot of money to him due to a fuck up.-----------------DARKSPACE-----------------ANTARESMindwalker* working for Darkspace that Toru is tasked to supervise due to his ability to block her abilities (augmented brain). Amoral, Milan believes she considers herself a deity. The reason Toru met Milan (cryptic friend). Compliments & contrasts Milan's character. The devil-on-your-shoulder archetype for Toru, both dissolves and strengthens his cognitive dissonance regarding the morals of the company he works for.-----------------KAIROS-----------------LOWELLChief executive officer of Kairos. Infatuated with human behaviour and social experimentation - the company aligns with his beliefs. They bleed into his treatment of his subordinates; Lowell controls them not only by threatening their own lives but the lives of those around them, even between initial strangers (like Toru and Milan). They call this death tie a 'killswitch', if one of them dies the other goes as well. His philosophy involves his obsession with the idea of human 'will', comparable to how Milan views passion, except Lowell believes this is tied to work & wealth.BUCKCommander of the Kairos taskforce Milan and Toru are forced to work for, formidable enough to be someone Lowell knows personally (Lowell essentially renamed him, a psychological investigation into identity). Takes pride in the soldier label. Family man but commits atrocities on the side. By coincidence, went to/was exploited by the same education system as Milan (Palmarium), though they never met as Buck was older.CALWorks under Buck in the taskforce. Born in Los Corredores, was unable to support himself, joined Kairos' military. Stabs Milan to subdue him during recruitment. Despite that rough introduction, they're beaten enough that they feel a kinship with their similar roots.MISCNoa - Lowell's sister (her life is restricted at his leisure). Ally to Milan and Toru.
Keaton - Medic in Buck's taskforce.
Reece - Second in command of Buck's taskforce.
Skye - Software engineer/penetrations expert (literally a hacker) in Buck's taskforce. Works closely with Toru.-----------------*mindwalking is a stand-in name for the ability to see and interact with memories (hence the surrealism). murakami-esque. mostly a tool for making my writing style more abstract, gives me more authority as an author. Milan's is rudimentary, limited to what a character is currently remembering in the moment. other characters have other 'abilities' - implied that this is a consequence of augmentations of the nervous system (most possess minor cybernetics) i.e. external manipulation of neurons and capturing patterns of memory electronically, & the cocktail of bioweapons and rogue AI in the network (ultimately I aim not to disturb the fundamental cyberpunk genre of the story).-->my characters are humans in writing but I prefer to depict them as animals <3

RAPTPunk/post-punk/experimental rock band, released four albums (titles undecided, but two of them are called Cobbalt & Drug Holiday). Lyrics primarily written by Milan (individual-focused, dark fervour) and Denver (collective-focused, corporate critique), though Denver split after the third album.LAVINIAMegacity where Rapt takes place. Was initially an international hub but became the site of back-to-back corporate war. Red-zoned (travel ban) between countries due to a man-made virus introduced by bioweapons (those above 30/40 yr more susceptible). Other adverse affects.DARKSPACECorporation focused on expansion off-Earth (satirical name), aerospace. One of Lavinia's biggest players.KAIROSMulti-focus corporation. Darkspace's surprise rival (much smaller company), engaged in cold/cyber warfare though hot skirmishes are arising. Name alludes to 'the opportune moment'.THE AETHER/THE NETWORKAll-encompassing 'internet', all people with cybernetic implants connected, AI entities rampant, a virtual space one can interact with when linked up.MASKSOne of several mercenary gangs in Lavina, dubbed so by the media due to the leader's artificial jaw and some other high-ranking members sporting the style.HIGH CIRCLES, INVESTMENT GROUPS, ASSET MANAGINGDubbed so by the media after documents leaked (operations largely unknown). Investment group(s) hold much of the power in Lavinia and the rest of the country/world. Sprawls internationally due to Lavinia's resources and technology despite the travel ban.PALMARIUMEducation program for adolescents, operated on the premise of free education when in reality it aimed to cultivate future armies, sister company to Kairos. Milan & Buck attended there and received military-grade cybernetic implants, it was shut down after an airstrike part of a wider conflict killed dozens (Darkspace blamed one man, Dearborn, to save face).
Many thanks for the support <3
When you commission me and/or acquire my designs, you agree to the TOS below:PAYMENT- all prices listed on trello are in USD (please transfer payments in USD)
- all payments done via Paypal through Invoice
- payment made before I start the artwork
- in extension, my waitlist will always be active — I won’t be taking payments in bulk, meaning I’ll take payment from one individual and complete their artwork before moving to the next
- no refunds beyond the sketch phase of the commission unless in extenuating circumstances
- clients cannot file chargebacks undiscussed - I am always open to refunds if the argument is reasonable (e.g. taking longer than 2 months to complete)
- when a refund is given after any stage of the art is complete (e.g. sketch), the artwork completed so far will be repurposed (the client may not use it in any way)PROCESS- all artworks should take less than two months to complete depending on complexity
- I will update the client with an image of the concept sketch and/or lineart during the process — the client may request numerous changes/edits [note: no changes can be made to the overall composition/character pose beyond the sketch phase of the commission, and no changes to the lineart once I begin colouring]
- provide clear reference(s) of the subject (traditional, digital and photographs are fine)
- the client may request a particular canvas size/format before I start
- I do not do nsfw or fetish commissions
- the client can ask me to imitate a style/mood/lighting from a personal piece or example, but can't ask me to imitate another artists’ style or directly copy another artist’s artwork
- please refer to the queue on trello for commission updates
- no expert systems software (AI art) is used throughout my processFINISHED WORK- I may post the finished product and use it for self-promotion/as examples to other commissioners
- the client can use the commissioned artwork wherever they see fit as long as they credit me and that it is not used for commercial purposes [unless we have discussed beforehand]
- the client can't modify the final product unless it is a minor change (e.g. saturation, filters) and can't remove my signature
- nobody other than the client may reupload the artwork without my permission & nobody may claim my work as their own (e.g. may not be fed into AI algorithms, sold online…)DESIGNS/CUSTOMS/ADOPTABLES- the client must credit me as the designer of their custom/adoptable [including on websites like toyhouse - 0Icarus0]
- the client can resell/trade/gift the design that I have created as long as the recipient is aware of my tos
- the owner of the design may change it as they see fit [however they cannot make edits to my lineart itself]If the client breaks my TOS and we can't come to a resolution, they are publicly blacklisted and can't commission me.